Discover our training and education opportunities

Lifelong professional growth starts with gaining knowledge and skills about what you need to treat patients with perfection. Nobel Biocare tailor the course program to your level of experience, so you can either get started with the basics or further develop your skills to the advanced. What is your next step on the competence ladder?

This page will be updated on a monthly basis, to ensure only the most up-to-date information is available. Just click on the course that takes your interest to find out more and register. Don't forget to bookmark this page and return to it regularly!


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Special interests

Edinburgh-T&E-TileNB GLobal SymposiumUKI course catalogueCOurse cataloguePozzi-OctHague5-36-1


Digital revolution roadshow

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Placing implants

Tariq-AliT&E Tile (31)David GuyDavid GuyT&E Tile (1)-3Sheffield-One-2-OneJavierT&E Tile (1)-2T&E Tile (43)


Restoring implants



Soft and hard tissue management






All-on-4® treatment concept



On Demand
